I'm learning the art (or is it a craft?) of stained glass. At this weblog, I record progress, note useful links, and document flesh wounds.
The Art League
Where I took a lead class and a 3D construction class.
Weisser Glass Studio
Where I buy supplies, and where I took a foil class.
Virginia Stained Glass Co.
Where I buy supplies if I happen to be in Springfield and if they happen to have what I want.
Great prices on supplies, a lively and helpful Glass Chat message board, and excellent Technical Tips on stained glass tools and techniques.
Glass Galleries Links List
A list of Glass Chat users who've uploaded photos of their work.
The StoreFinder: Stained Glass Store Front
Lots of articles.
ArtGlassArt.com Tutorials
Even more articles. Particularly recommended: "Anatomy of a design" and "Wood frames."
Courtesy of Google Groups.
Nancy's Beginner Tips and Tricks
Scoring, breaking, soldering, finishing, and more.
Splinter Removal Tips
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April 14, 2003: By Unpopular Demand
In no particular order.
- I did finish my copper foil class at Weisser.
- I haven't yet affixed my dragonfly to my lilypads panel, and may not bother, having discovered that the heat-conducting properties of copper tend to wreak havoc with any attempt to solder bead-stoppers onto copper wire.
- I did start a new class at the Art League last Monday.
- I did pick out a pattern to build in my new class; a tiered lamp of the sort that I still have no idea how I'd design from scratch, but am feeling masochistic enough to attempt building from pattern.
- I'm supposed to start cutting glass for my lamp at class tonight, but I seem to have come down with some sort of cooties of the sore-throat variety, so I'll be staying home tonight, all the better to concentrate on throwing my sleep schedule entirely out of whack by way of self-pity naps.
- Eve and I were to go see the exhibit of Frank Lloyd Wright glass at the Renwick on Saturday; we got downtown and found police barricades and uniformed Secret Service guys who told us the gallery had closed for the weekend. Apparently, the protesters have won. (Oh look. Eve wrote about the incident today too. And about a pantload of other stuff. Note to self: not everyone is as lazy a blogger as you; next time, look before you link.)
- The good news: there is such a thing as the National Capital Art Glass Guild. The bad news: they haven't updated their website in eight months. When will people realize that a web presence whose neglect is painfully obvious is almost worse than having none at all? The stink of disorganization will drive away potential participants, members, patrons quicker than you can say "all start and no finish."
- Weisser's spring sale was last week, and I barely made it out with my checkbook intact. Walked away with three 9x12s of green-mixed-with-red Youghiogheny stipple glass, and two 12X14s of Wissmach in an off-white that I think will be a perfect match for a planned twin for Protein's lamp, for thirty-one dollars. I think I love that store more every time I go.
- A nameless angel sent me a Nick's Grinder's Mate after taking pity on me for having made a mess out of one of my fingernails with the grinder recently. I'll be trying it out and reporting back soon, since I have a lampshade to get built between now and early June.
- The fingernail is doing MUCH better, thanks. I'm so glad mine grow fast.
- Don built a swanky new workbench for himself down in the basement a couple of weeks ago, which means that the old one looks even sadder than it used to (which is saying some), but also means that the old one is mine mine mine. Currently it's covered with a pleasing litter of copper foil backing paper and dragonfly drawings.
- I still have but one transom installed. The second of the set of three sure does look pretty lying on Don's spiffy new workbench though.
Posted by Michelle on April 14, 2003 04:57 PM
Overall: hurrah! :) (And especially about the fingernail...)