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I'm learning the art (or is it a craft?) of stained glass. At this weblog, I record progress, note useful links, and document flesh wounds. Links
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October 16, 2002: You Call That a Flesh Wound?
I found an article about an Atlanta stained-glass artist who does a lot of architectural work, reprinted on the artist's site from This Old House magazine. Interesting piece, and a couple of really great photos, especially the one of a shield-shaped window in the very early stages of assembly (that photo makes a lot more sense to me since last night's lesson in leading). But perhaps most compelling is the story of how the artist's apprentice nearly died doing her job:
There is nothing sharper than broken or cut glass; literally a molecule wide, the edge can pass through flesh like a sword through smoke. On December 6, 1996, Vloeberghs’s apprentice, Rebecca Owens, then 22, dropped a 30-by-7-inch freshly cut pane across her upturned left wrist. The glass severed an artery, two tendons and a nerve and chipped the bone. Vloeberghs threw Owens into her station wagon and roared to Piedmont Hospital in 10 minutes as the young woman's lap filled with blood. A person Owens's size-5 feet 10 inches and 118 pounds-normally has about 5 quarts of blood. Doctors estimated that, by the time she reached the hospital, she had lost nearly 3. With that in mind, I will forego any serious bitching about the 1/8-inch cut I gave myself last night (while breaking glass, somehow, not sure how that works) on the outside of the middle joint on the index finger of my left hand. I will, however, make the purely anecdotal observation that left hands seem, in general, to be far more imperilled by this glass thing than right hands are. Posted by Michelle on October 16, 2002 10:36 AM Comments
I felt so weak after reading about what happened to Rebecca! Posted by: jenn on October 16, 2002 03:57 PMGah gah gah gah gah got *so* squicky gah gah gah gah... Sweet Jesus. So you'll be wearing leather vambraces with steel mesh insets (like, say, what falconers wear), riiiiight?! Like, all the time? Because never mind that they're heavy, they'll keep you from accidentially slicing your wrists open... Did I mention GAH?! :P Posted by: roe on October 19, 2002 12:44 AMComments are closed. Contact me via the email address at the bottom of the blog pages.
Copyright © 2002-06 Michelle Kinsey Bruns. E-mail me at my first name at this domain. (Take that, spam spiders!)